There isn't exactly a lot of green space in the fair hamlet of Allston, MA, so to the average non-resident bystander, Ringer Park may seem like nothing to particularly write home about. But to Allston residents, this lovable hillside that's occasionally littered with broken glass and canine turds is all we've got, SO BACK OFF ALRIGHT?
That being said, this Saturday, things at Ringer get even better - there will be live rock music in the Park. Yes, it's true! As far as I can tell, Saturday's event will be some sort of local artisan and creativity showcase featuring a flea-market of some sorts, ...... with lots of noise, sweat and yes, possibly, even a little bit of fun. All in all, this show should be an interesting experience in broad daylight.
(Boston Band Crush)

On June 13, my friend, comrade and all around amazing human Dave Eger put together the first of his semi-legal events at Ringer Park in Boston's improper Allston hood.
'A PostModern Fashion Show' an afternoon of local bands, art, homemade brownies and people giving away objects they have no use for anymore.
I am designing images for the next event. Here are my drafts with no text yet...
Click to enlarge and such.

For you
Here is the some of the artist who performed.
Links to free music ... so download you Mofo's


We were really bored, so we formed an awesome band the likes of which has yet to be surpassed...

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